Software Development/Apps:

Our team at CTE helps you to build your business infrastructure with DApps. If you require a way to conduct your company with freedom of speech & no censorship in mind, We'll help you to achieve that goal. By moving away from Google & other centralized services into decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), decentralized computing, centralized database, centralized, or decentralized cloud storage, decentralized website hosting and decentralized social media your company will have all the systems with the security and privacy your looking for.

3D CAD/3D printing & Fabrication:

Integrated CAD, CAM, and CAE software. Eliminate your disconnected product development process. Unify design, engineering, electronics, and manufacturing into a single platform. Stop struggling with manual design workflows and ancient, interchange file formats. Gain all the advantages of a full-featured electronics tool and mechanical CAD in a single data-driven platform. Don’t wait. Test your designs early in the development process to determine usability and uncover costly flaws. Give us your plans and we will create your vision. No job is to big or too small for our crew. Building exactly what you need -on time and on budget.